Principal Accountabilities: -Designs, evaluates, implements and maintains quality assurance programs and systems in compliance with regulatory requirements. -Manages review of quality records leading to the release of products. -Maintains in-house audit and supplier audit programs. -Oversees company's change control, CAPA, and training programs. -Manages customer complaints. -Prepares and hosts audits from FDA and other regulatory agencies. -Tracks quality performance metrics and develops management action plans Basic Function: The qualified candidate establishes and maintains quality systems to assure that products, processes, facilities, and systems conform to quality standards and governmental regulations. Exercises independent judgment in developing methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for obtaining results. Provides quality assurance input for troubleshooting, failure analysis, and problem solving activities related to product manufacturing or testing, product quality, or failure to comply with cGMPs. Coordinates interdepartmental activities, supervises QA department, develops budgets, and monitors expenditures. Requirements: -Bachelor's degree in a scientific discipline (preferably in the area of microbiology) -At least 7 years QA supervisory experience in the pharmaceutical or related industry -In depth knowledge of current GMP and FDA trends and guidelines -Expertise in aseptic processing and terminal sterilization processes for parenterals -Excellent communication, organization, and project management skills -Ability to read, write, and speak English 企業介紹:
迪醫獵頭(www.otkrivenozdravlje.com)于2003年成立,由幾個海外歸來的獵頭顧問創建,我們服務于藥品、醫療器械、醫院管理,保健品,還有生物工程,專業專注于醫藥衛生行業是我們的目標,我們的團隊成員由多位經驗豐富的具有醫藥醫療企業背景的獵頭顧問組建而成,主要為國際(內)醫藥企業提供中、高級人才尋訪,即獵頭服務。 我們的獵頭顧問均會依靠個人的“能力”、“經驗”、“努力”完成任務,我們關注職位成功率和職位完成時間,我們的目標是:“90%職位成功率”和“1-2周之內完成待聘職位初次推薦”。 迪醫獵頭總部位于北京,并通過設在各地的合作伙伴及網絡,提供完善的獵頭服務,因為專業和專注,有效提高了工作效率,降低了過程成本,從而間接降低客戶成本。因為事先關注成本,所以我們向客戶進行收費時,通常按行內最低標準進行收取,盡可能保證客戶的利益。 迪醫獵頭,專業醫藥人才資源服務機構。我們吸引了成功的醫藥獵頭顧問,我們擁有高端行業和高端職能崗位相關的專業技術,醫藥獵頭顧問的出眾才智改進您的招聘程序,并且使您的公司更好地了解市場和競爭狀況。 迪醫獵頭致力于招募全球最優秀的醫藥高級人才,為優秀的企業提供最合適的醫藥人才,品質成就品牌,迪醫獵頭專業醫藥獵頭全力打造醫藥界高端人才的供需平臺! |
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