1,May participate a lead statistician in dossier submission preparation
2,This individual serves as a representative of the Biostatistics platform on clinical teams and is responsible for leading the development of a product from the platform standpoint. He/she takes a leadership role in projects upto and including participation in the preparation of a dossier for submission. He/she also may represent the Biostatistics platform at external meetings with regulatory agencies and key opinion leaders.
3,Manages and follow-up the activities that are outsourced to external partners (CROs), inlcuding submissions
4,Participates and provides statistical support in the preparation of major decision-making meetings
5,Completes statistical section of the iCSR and provides a critical review
6,Completes statistical section of the iCSR and provides a critical review
1,At least a MS degree, PhD preferred, in statistics or a related field and 4-8 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry or equivalent qualification/experience.
2,Demonstrated experience with SAS software and awareness of current features of SAS; this includes the use of SAS Base, Statistics, and Graphics.
3,Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team. Good knowledge of statistics and its application as it applies to vaccine trials.
4,Good oral and written communcation skills. Ability to lead a project(s) while providing supervision of others. Dossier submission experience
5,Strong English language ability in both oral and writing, excellent communication and problem solving skills.
賽諾菲-安萬特集團公司業務遍及全球五大洲,100多個國家和地區,是歐洲第一、世界第三大制藥集團,擁有10萬名員工服務于全球的健康事業。 賽諾菲-安萬特的人類疫苗業務-賽諾菲巴斯德是全球最大的疫苗公司之一,總部設在法國里昂。產品種類眾多,進行工業化生產的產品有:流感疫苗、兒童聯合疫苗、旅行者/地方病疫苗和腦膜炎疫苗等。 1996年,深圳賽諾菲巴斯德生物制品有限公司在深圳注冊成立。 賽諾菲巴斯德視員工為最寶貴的資源,并積極努力幫助員工得到最大限度的發展。我們歡迎各方人才加入到我們之中。 |
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